SAGE business
about SAGE Business program
SAGE Business Program will be teaching our girls the skills they need to start and run their own businesses. This will be a comprehensive and engaging experience, with each week focusing on a different aspect of entrepreneurship. We will have 25 girls per session and our one will commence from May-July in Southeast Raleigh. Our program schedule details include:
WEEK 1: The girls will complete a questionnaire to discover their passion and create a vision for their business along with the development of an entrepreneurial mindset. We believe that identifying a passion and vision is essential to creating a successful business plan, and we want to help our ladies narrow down their interests.
WEEK 2: We will go over branding, targeting their customer, and using Canva to create logos and designs. These skills are crucial in creating a strong foundation for any business.
WEEK 3:: Covers business foundation concepts, using Excel, and learning about ROI. These skills are fundamental in running a business, and we want to ensure that the girls have a solid foundation to build upon.
WEEK 4: Develop a marketing strategy and product creation. The girls will learn to start creating their own products and develop a marketing strategy to reach their target audience.
WEEK 5: the girls will continue to work on their products and create prices for their products based on raw materials cost and profits.
WEEK 6: Teaches the girls how to communicate their products in a sales pitch. We want to ensure that the girls have the skills to effectively promote their products and sell them to customers.
WEEK 6: Focuses on event preparation, display, and advertising. These skills are essential in hosting a successful vending event.
WEEK 7: The girls will host a vending event to sell their products to the public. This event will be an excellent opportunity for the girls to showcase their hard work and newfound skills.
The purpose of this program is to provide young girls with the tools they need to become successful entrepreneurs. We believe that empowering young girls to be entrepreneurs will benefit them and their communities. By creating a successful business these girls will be able to provide valuable products and services along with creating jobs for others. The benefits and impact of this program are numerous. By teaching the girls entrepreneurship, we are helping to bridge the gender gap in business ownership. We are empowering girls to become leaders and innovators. This program will also teach valuable life skills such as communication, marketing, and financial management.